A young Black boy wears a mouthguard while playing flag football outside on a green field

Is a Mouthguard Important for Playing Sports?

December 30, 2022 2:11 pm
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If you or your children are involved in sports, it’s important to wear the proper protective gear while playing. The best way to safeguard your smile while you play is by wearing an athletic mouthguard.

What Is an Athletic Mouthguard?

An athletic mouthguard is a thick, retainer-like apparatus made from a soft acrylic resin and EVA copolymer. They are designed to create a protective barrier for the upper set of teeth. Athletic mouthguards can absorb impact from a fly ball in the outfield, a rough fall when getting tackled or tripped on the field, or an arm to the face when blocking out on the basketball court.

Store-Bought vs. Custom Mouthguards

When shopping at a sporting goods store, you will notice a section of one-size-fits-all or boil-and-bite mouthguards that may be tempting due to their price tag. However, store-bought mouthguards are not as reliable and durable as their professional counterparts. While a boil-and-bite mouthguard does mold more to teeth than a generic mouthguard, it still will not provide as snug of a fit as a custom mouthguard. Fit is one of the main factors in the level of protection a mouthguard provides. Custom mouthguards offer an optimal fit by using a mold of your teeth, allowing it to hold tightly to your smile.

Benefits of Mouthguards

Sports are one of the leading causes of dental injuries. Athletic mouthguards are a small thing you can wear that can make a big impact on protecting your smile from broken, cracked, chipped, and knocked-out teeth, as well as lip lacerations and jawbone injuries.

Sports Mouthguards in Shoreline, WA

Don’t wait to start protecting your smile! At Megan Jones, DDS, we offer a wide range of services, including athletic mouthguards. We can take precise impressions of your teeth to create a custom-fitted mouthguard that will help keep your smile safe while you participate in the sports. Please contact our office today to schedule an appointment!

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